Healthy Snacks Ideas For Busy People

Healthy Snacks Ideas for Busy People

Healthy snacks ideas for busy people. Yes, this is our topic for today, which I am going to share with you all.

As we all know that our lives are becoming more fast-paced and hectic. And it is a big challenge to find time for healthy snacks. However, snacking on the right foods can help us in maintaing the energy level and keeping our mind focused throughout the day.

So my dear friends, don’t fear because I am here. I have brought some of the best snacks ideas for you all. Let’s start.

1. Trail Mix

Trail Mix (Healthy snacks)

This the most easiest and healthy snacks for the busy people. Just combine nuts, seeds and dried fruits according to your need. You can aslo add some chocolate chip to make it tasty. Make your tiffin ready and chew it like a cow, when you get time in the office or when you think that your body battery is low.

2. Greek Yogurt with Berries

 Greek Yogurt with Berries (Healthy Snacks)

Don’t go for the name, you don’t have to go to the Greek for buying this yogurt. Greek yogurt is not different from normal yogurt. Only it is thicker than normal yogurt and has a higher protein content. Add some fresh berries as toping for a delicious and healthy snacks that will keep you cool and energetic.

3. Hummus and Veggies

Hummus and veggies (Healthy Snacks)

Hummus is a dip originally from the Middle Eastern cuisine, which is also popularly known as ‘Hummus bi Tahini’ in Arabic language. It is prepared with cooked chickpeas and seasoned with tahini, garlic and olive oil. Pair it with some sliced carrots, cucumbers, and bell peppers for a satisfying and healthy snacks.

4. Hard-boiled Eggs

Hard-boiled eggs (Healthy Snacks)

It is the most easiest snack after trail mix, but you have make some effort in this, i.e, “Boilling the eggs”. One of the best among healthy snacks for busy peoples with lots of protein in it. But don’t get too busy, that you started eating it without peeling. And if you are a vegetarian, then I have a solution for you regarding Protein Foods.

5. Smoothie

 Smoothie (Healthy Snacks)

Smoothies are used in place of meals. Some people eat it in breakfast and some take it as a snack. The rich nutrition in it helps in maintaining good health and is also good for reducing the increasing weight. You can make smoothie to your liking, adding in things like spinach, kale, berries, and even some protein powder for an extra boost.

And now its time for the Bonus Snacks :

Parched rice and black gram with roasted ground nuts

Parched rice and black gram with roasted ground nuts (Healthy Snacks)

This is one the best snack of Indians, easy and healthy snacks and we call it Jhalmuri chana. Just mix parched rice, roasted black gram and ground nuts. You can also add lime juice, fine chopped onions and tomatoes in it.

Baked Tofu in Indian Style

Baked Tofu in Indian Style (Healthy Snacks)

For making this snack you have to do some cooking. But it is so tasty, that from now you will always make this snack. First of all you have to go to the market and buy one packet (140 oz) of tofu. Now you have to marinade it and the ingredient required are :
4 tbsp oil
1 tbsp cumin powder
Red chilli (a pinch)
Turmeric powder (a pinch)
Salt (according to your taste)
Half tbsp of Lime juice
You have to marinade it for half an hour. Now, bake it on a fry pan on medium flame and enjoy this snack.
And after trying this tasty snack, don’t forget to thank me.

So, guys this was all for today’s blog. We will meet at another blog with another topic. Till then, do whatever you want to do, but don’t trouble your health. Now I am going to make snacks for myself.

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