Cardio by get fit with hemant

Treadmill vs Outside Running – Which is better?

Treadmill vs outside running, which is better? This is one of the most frequently asked question, when you talk about running. So, here I come up with some of the points regarding this. I hope you will get a clear solution.

When it comes to cardio workouts, running is the most popular and easiest workout people like to do. And for this, you always have two options: either a treadmill or the ground. Both of these practices have their advantages and disadvantages.

So, first, we will talk about the treadmill. because I tossed the coin and it came up heads, and heads, according to me, belong on the treadmill. So let’s start…

Advantages of Treadmill running

Treadmill running (get fit with hemant)

1. Best for indoor activity

If there is no ground or park for running near your home. The treadmill is the best option for your cardio workout. It is also helpful for those people who don’t want to go outside or those who are introvert. One more thing, when there is rain, snowfall, or heat outside, this is the best option.

2. Protect your joints

If any person has joint or knee problems, a treadmill is the best option. Treadmills have cushioned belts that absorb the impact and protect the knees, ankles, and lower-back from being injured.

3. Total control

When you workout on a treadmill, it’s up to you to select and control everything from workout intensity to duration. So, you can adjust the speed and time according to your capacity. Just as your wife or girlfriend has complete control over you. Lol!

4. Improves brain health and memory

It has been found that the thought processing speed and memory start to decline when any person reaches the age of 30. Some areas like the prefrontal cortex, cerebellum, and hippocampus shrink more and faster, and this worsens with advanced age. Cardiovascular activities like running increase the heart rate, which improves the oxygen level in the blood. And that blood improves the function of the brain.

Now after reading this, you will say that Hemant has told us to do running because it is good for mental health. And you started running behind girls. Bro! Wait, that will not work. Sometime running also decrease the brain or mental health….LOL!

After knowing the advantages of Treadmill now its time to know some disadvantages.

Disadvantages of Treadmill running

1. Boring

Running on a treadmill could be boring because the scene is not changing in front of you as it would outside. Same room, same wall, same setup and no fresh air. Personally, I have seen many people, when they join a gym, show a lot of enthusiasm in the beginning. But after a few days, their interest in the gym started declining (unless you are very passionate about body-building).

2. Lack of variations

As you know, on the treadmill, we have to run on the same flat surface. There are no ups, downs, and turns like outside. So, it could be difficult in different situations, like outside. Now, it doesn’t mean that for variation, you started juggling while running. Safety first.

3. Proper maintenance and repairs

If you have a machine, you should also have a professional that can properly maintain and repair it. Cleaning of the motor, roller, and treadmill belt requires proper maintenance. So, it can be a burden on your pocket.

4. No ground reaction force

As Newton’s third law of motion tells us, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” This means that when you push against the ground, the ground exerts an equal and opposite force to push you forward. But when you are running on a treadmill, the belt is rotating according to the motor, and hence, you don’t apply the same force as you would on the ground. As a result, there will be less work on the hamstrings and glutes muscles.

Now, after a lot of talk about treadmills, it’s time for outside running. Many people prefer outside running because its free of cost. That’s not the only one reason, so let’s talk about the other benefits of outside running.

Advantages of outside running:

outside running (get fit with hemant)

1. Enjoy the nature

Fresh air, sunlight, greenery and many more, this is the best benefit of outside running that I personally like. That’s not only good for your cardio workout, but it also acts as a mood booster.

2. Strengthen muscles

As I have discussed earlier, running on a treadmill doesn’t strengthen your hamstrings and glutes muscles. So, this is one of the advantages of running outside if you want to make your muscles strong.

3. Provides variations

Running outside is full of variations; you can run on roads, on grass, on soil, with turns, and with different inclinations. When you run in different situations, your muscles act according to the environment and that makes you perfect at running in all conditions.

4. Burns more calories

When you run in different conditions and temperatures, it’s very obvious that you will burn more calories. This is also an advantage of outside running: it makes you a tough guy.

Drawback of Outside running:

The main drawback of running outside is that you have to depend on weather conditions. Humidity and cold winds are not good for the lungs, and in the rainy season, don’t think of running. After sunset, many people won’t want to go outside. These are some of the factors that make running outside difficult, but if you are running on a hard surface, you are hurting your knees. So, it is important that you run outside when all the conditions are favorable.


So the moral of the blog is that, it depends on you to get what you want. Means, if you are a professional runner or you participate in race, outside running is beneficial for you. But if your aim is only to maintain your body or you don’t wake up early, or the weather is not suitable, then a treadmill is the best option. Outside running offers different situations, like uneven terrain, but you can also do the variations in treadmill by changing the inclination degree.

So guys, this was all from my side regarding treadmill vs outside running. Now, do whatever you want to do, but don’t trouble your health, till then, have a safe running. Now it’s time for me to do yoga (kyuki Yoga se hi hoga).

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