
Best 5 Yoga poses to improve immunity and flexibility

Hello, Guys! How are you doing? Hope you all are doing good in your life. For the last few years we all have been running behind one thing and that is, IMMUNITY. And one question always comes to mind, how to increase immunity? So friends, “Don’t fear, I’m here.”

In today’s blog I will give you best 5 yoga poses to improve immunity and flexibility. Yoga is the best ancient Indian form of exercise to remain fit. It helps to control your mind, body and soul.

I will tell you how to make your immunity strong. Now it doesn’t mean that after doing the yoga you start eating and drinking unhealthy things, that normally people do. You are a member of Get Fit With Hemant, so, stop eating the things that make your liver, lungs and kidneys weak.

Now wear T-shirt and Track pant & let’s get started…

1) Anulom Vilom Pranayam

increase immunity through Anulom Vilom Pranayam

This one is the best (& my favorite) workout for lungs. In this, we have to concentrate on breathing. The best and most effective workout that will make your lungs stronger.

How to do it to:

Firstly, close the right nostril and breathe in from left nostril. After 2-5 seconds, hold the breath. Now close the left nostril and breathe out from the right nostril. Similarly, by keeping the left nostril close, breathe in from right nostril, hold the breathe for 2-5 seconds, and breathe out from left nostril.

Always breathe in and out through nose, never try to breathe out from the other side (you know what I mean to say….ha ha ha ha).


  1. Increase breathing power
  2. Control High blood pressure
  3. Relief from depression, stress and anxiety.
  4. Helpful in curing asthma and bronchitis.
  5. Remove negative thoughts, anger, uneasiness and frustrations.
  6. Helps in losing weight.
  7. By doing it daily, you can overcome problems like acidity, constipation and allergic problems.
  8. Alternate nostril breathing help to improve the respiratory system.

2) Vrikshasana


Virkshasana is made up of two words; first, Vriksh means Tree and Asana means the position. This is the best yoga that promotes balance. It helps in improving the balance of your body. As a tree balances itself while staying on the root, just like that, you have to balance your body on one leg. By doing Vrikshasana it doesn’t mean that you will become a tree and start giving fruits.

How to do it :

  1. Stand straight on plain ground.
  2. You can start from any leg, keeping one leg on the ground, lightly lifting your other leg.
  3. Now place your foot on the thigh of the other leg.
  4. Join your hand or palm above the head as shown in the picture.
  5. Now hold your position while breathing.
  6. Slowly-slowly separate your palm and come to the initial position from where you started.

Benefits of Vrikshasana:

  1. Vrikshasana strengthens the thighs, calves, ankles and spine.
  2. Improves the body balance.
  3. Stretches the groin and inner thighs, chest and shoulders.
  4. Provides relief from sciatica.

Balance is very important in life, in body, in mind, in soul and in writing posts.

3) Bhujangasana

increase immunity through Bhujangasana

Bhujangasana or you can say cobra pose of yoga. Are you getting feared? My dear friend, there is nothing to worry about; it is only the name. But when you know the benefits of doing this yoga, you will say “Wow”.

How to do it:

  1. Lay down towards the ground.
  2. After this, bring both hands equal to your shoulder and make both the palms towards the floor.
  3. Now put the weight of your body on your palms, breathe in and lift your head and pull it towards the back.


  1. Tone the abdominal muscles.
  2. Improves digestion and immunity.
  3. Enhance the functionality of liver.
  4. Keep the spine strong.
  5. Strengthens the shoulders and arms.
  6. Increase the flexibility of the body.
  7. Keep the heart healthy.
  8. Doing this daily increases the height.
  9. Removes stress and fatigue.

4) Matsyasana


Matsyasana or you can say fish pose. Are you getting hungry? I know this sounds like fish curry in your mind, jokes apart. Actually, it is considered as one of the best yoga exercises for the treatment of varicose veins. This asana is able to widen the chest and keep it healthy.

How to do it:

  1. Lie on your back, with your legs crossed or attached.
  2. Breathe in and lift the chest up.
  3. Hold the posture for 8-10 seconds and then relax. Repeat the same after 10 second rest.


  1. Increase the blood flow in the body.
  2. Decrease the belly fat.
  3. Cough goes away.
  4. Diseases related to the uterus and menstruation of women are removed.
  5. Helps in improving posture.
  6. Therapeutic for respiratory issues.

5) Paschimottanasana


Paschimottanasana or forward-bending yoga, this helps in calming your mind and gives relief in stress. And it is also a very effective yoga for flexibility.

Thought By Me (Hemant Nautiyal) : Always respect your body, touch your feet daily, to remain flexible.

How to do it:

  1. Stretch your both legs.
  2. Inhale and raise your hand up to your head.
  3. Now, exhale and bend forward.


  1. Makes your bones flexible.
  2. Improves the digestion and immunity.
  3. Cures the problem of insomnia.
  4. Helps in removing belly fat.
  5. Relief the tension by calming your mind.


  1. Never try to do this posture like experts. Always start as a beginner. No need to touch the feet at the first day. Flexibility takes time. Progress each day.
  2. Persons, those who are suffering from back pain, don’t try this. This can increase your problem.

I know, now you will ask for the bonus tips… so, here they are :

  1. Always do the yoga practice with the empty stomach.
  2. Try to start like a beginner. You can’t become Baba Ramdev in a day.
  3. For better and fast result do it in early morning.
  4. If you love music, then you can play any relaxing or meditation music while doing yoga.

That’s all from my side, for this blog.

If you like my post then please comment. It will inspire me to bring more posts on health and fitness.

Till then, do whatever you want to do, but don’t trouble your body. Stay fit, stay healthy with

Now I am gonna catch the Pokemon. Bye!…..

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