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Fat to Fit in 30 days : Effective workout tips

Do you think Fat to Fit in 30 days is impossible to achieve? If you think so, then friends, I am here to guide you all. I will tell you how this could be possible, and within 30 days.

Whatsup guys? I hope you are all doing well in your life. I know that you know today’s topic. Every person on this earth wants to remain fit throughout his/her whole life (except the lazy ones). So, my dear friends, I have written this blog for you all. Those who want a balanced and fit body should read this.

In today’s blog, I am going to share the top 7 effective workout tips that will help you to reduce your weight as well as make you fit.

There are lots of information available on the internet regarding weight loss and fitness, and it is a challenge to find out how much and how many workouts we have to follow. So, I have chosen the best workouts that will help you out in achieving a toned body and transform from fat to fit.

Here we go….

1. Running : Transform from fat to fit

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Easiest and most effective way to lose weight and also the best way to burn calories. This is will make you fat to fit, and there are many examples too. Now you will ask, how many calories are burned by running? So, guys, this depends on many factors, like weight, pace, time (for how long you run) and distance.

Now you will ask, how to do the practice of running? That’s very easy; when you go out for a walk and you see a vendor selling fruits. Just go to his stall and take any fruit you like. and say that I had forgotten my wallet at home. Now you have two options. One, you can either leave the fruit, and two, you can take it and run away. But for you, fitness is important, so you choose the second option. Now run towards your home. The fruit seller will also chase you. When you reach home, just take your wallet and give him the money. See, how easy was that? I was joking. Never ever try this. Why do you all take my words so seriously?

As I always say, never waste your energy. Always try to start at a slow pace. If you are overweight, then try to walk fast. After a few days, you can start running or jogging. The main thing you all have to keep in mind is that fitness is important, but never try to do things beyond your physical strength. If you can run only 1 km, then don’t try to run 10 kms. You can, but only by doing regular practice. When you feel tired, then stop running. Don’t give the burden to your body. You are doing this to make yourself fit, not for injuries.

2. Rope Jump

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As you all know that my today’s topic is related with fat to fit, this is the most effective way to burn calories. However, you can only do this if you have a lot of skipping practice. Now you will ask, “I don’t know how to do skipping because I haven’t practiced this in my entire life.” So my dear friends, I have a solution. What you have to do is, just imagine that you have a rope in your hand. Now start doing skipping without a rope. When doing rope skipping, however, your posture and pace should be the same. See how easy was that?

But my friends, those who know skipping well, there are no excuses. Do it every day for at least eight minutes continuously with the same pace. That will be sufficient.

Skipping has many benefits, like improving heart rate, making blood pressure normal, boosting the immune system, balancing metabolism and improves overall health.

It helps in strengthening the core of your body. It helps in tightening the abdominal muscles and reduce belly fat.

But wait, if you have any injury or you have knee problems, then please don’t ever try this. And one more thing, don’t do this in excess because it can increase the heart related problems.

As I always say, that, excess of good things is also bad. So, do this workout to your limit.

3. Crunches

The best exercise to keep your belly flat. It is also the most effective workout to strengthen the core of your body. This workout also helps you out in making abs.

Now a question will arise in your mind, “What is the difference between sit-ups and crunches?”

The main difference between them is the range of motion involved in the workout. In sit-ups, you have to lift yourself all the way. But in the crunches, you have to slightly lift off the ground, as shown in the video below.

For the beginners, 10 to 20 reps are sufficient. After that you can increase the reps or sets, whatever suits you.

While doing the crunches, you have to concentrate on your workout. Because many people complain about neck problems after doing crunches. This happens when they are not crunching from the abdominal muscles. So, always keep your focus on the activity you are doing. The main thing you have to keep in mind while doing crunches is that you have to do this on an empty stomach. This exercise is best to become fat to fit.

4. Bicycle Crunch

This is again the most effective workout for burning belly fat and transform anyone from fat to fit. You can say that this is the advanced version of crunch. In this workout, you have to touch the elbow of the opposite knee while twisting your upper body.

The bicycle crunch is the most effective exercise for the rectus abdominis and upper abdominal muscles. It also helps in slimming the waist, making abs and obliques muscles. This workout not only improves endurance power but also helps in preventing stiffness and muscular pain.

As you all know, obesity is the major cause of diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, kidney problems etc. So, this workout helps you lose weight.

I know, now you will ask how many sets or repetitions we have to do.

My dear friend, you can start with 12 to 20 repetitions in one set. Now, as I told you earlier, always do the workout according to your strength. So, you can do upto 3–4 sets. That would be sufficient.

Now, watch the video & do the same as shown below.

5. Seated Reverse Crunch

Best and most effective exercise for abdominal muscles. The important part of this workout is that you won’t get strain on your neck. This workout helps in improving posture and balance.

Now, if you are thinking that while doing this workout, you will get abs. Then my answer will be “NO.” This workout is only for strengthening your abdominal muscles.

You can do 3–4 sets of 12–15 reps. That will be sufficient for beginners.

One more important thing that I want to tell you all is about breathing while doing crunches. The right way of breathing is very important for crunches workout. Exhale, when you crunch and inhale when take your body back to the starting position.

Here is the video demonstration for you all, to understand this perfectly.

6. Russian Twist

The Russian twist is the best workout that targets the obliques. This is the best exercise to build your core and shoulders. The Russian twist helps to lose love handles. However, this workout needs a lot of energy. When your core is strong, you can lift heavier things with total control.

Again I will say that, do this workout according to your limit. You can do 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps. Now you can watch the video.

In this video it is shown, a girl doing Russian Twist with a ball. You can take anything, like water bottle or any lighter object. That could be your teddy too.

7. Plank

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Plank is the best exercise that hits your chest, shoulders, neck, back and last but not the least, abdominal muscles. If you do the plank on a regular basis, it will help to improve your posture. It also improves metabolism, flexibility, body alignment and mental health.

One minute every day is sufficient to strengthen your entire core. Planks helps in improving the endurance, which is very important for strengthening and toning muscles. By doing the regular practice of Plank, you can increase the timing. Rest depends upon your capacity to hold.

Follow this fitness regime in your everyday routine and feel the difference!

So Guys, that’s all from my side to make you fat to fit. So, keep working on your body, if you want to remain fit.

Now, I am feeling thirsty, if you too, then go and drink some water. And if you want to know benefits of water then click here.

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